
Luanda - Angola




(+244) 934 798 531


* Dates and modalities of the Congress*
The V Congress of the Angolan Order of Engineers will be held on 29*, 30 November and 01 December 2023, modalities:
* Face-to-face in the city of Luanda, at the Talatona Convention Center – CCTA
* Virtual on the ZOOM platform
*November 29, 2023, is reserved for the SSOA Angola 2023 – Occupational and environmental safety and Health Congress.
1- The Recycling Economy and the Circular Economy (environment; industry and rationalization of resources)
2- Technological Infrastructures: Human Capital for the 21st Century (technologies and cybersecurity; the role of man in industry 4.0; globalization and connectivity technologies);
3- Transport Infrastructures and Mobility (urban mobility; infrastructures for transport networks; development of transport infrastructure in Angola)
4- Science and Technologies in Basic Education and in Engineer Training in Angola (National Plan for Training Staff; training in engineering in Angola; basic education for training in Engineering)
5- Industry, Innovation, Basic Infrastructures, and Society (resilient infrastructures; inclusive and sustainable industrialization; innovation for SDG9; SDG contributions to the achievement of the Goals of Angola in 2030)